UniV3-style AMMs have been developed to address certain capital inefficiencies and provide more flexibility for liquidity providers (LPs) and traders. These advancements offer several exciting features:

  • Concentrated Liquidity:

UniV3 allows LPs to select their desired price range. By narrowing the range, LPs can earn higher fees when the token price stays within their chosen range. However, there is also an increased risk as LPs may suffer losses if the price moves outside their selected range, causing their liquidity to be converted into a single token.

  • Integration of limit orders:

LPs can now set bounds for the price range they choose to provide liquidity for. These bounds effectively act as limit orders. For instance, if an LP has decided to provide liquidity on ETH/USDC in the range 1800-2000:

Below 1800: Their liquidity will be converted 100% to USDC.

Above 2000: Their liquidity will be converted 100% to ETH.

If the ETH price leaves and returns to the range, the liquidity will be converted back to 50/50, and the LP will earn fees again

  • Integration of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Positions in liquidity pools are represented as NFTs, making each position unique. This allows LPs to have ownership over their specific positions and provides additional flexibility for managing and trading their liquidity.

  • Multiple fee options

This feature enables LPs to adapt to the risk and volatility associated with each pool. LPs can select different fee tiers based on their risk appetite, allowing them to align their strategies with the specific characteristics of the assets they are providing liquidity for.

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